13 July 2007

kind of like improvement

I've been running lately, it doesn't hurt as bad as it did 2 weeks ago, my heart rate is easier to control, my breathing is becoming rythmic and steady..I rode this morning for the first time in 2 weeks. Lungs feeling way better since running, legs felt different. CX bike nature-made CX course near our house - walking/hiking trails at the nearby campground with suitable storm damage (downed trees) make for fun obstacles and sudden stops.

Megs came out of cycling retirement yesterday with her first 20 mile ride in 2 years. She says it went well. I think the TdF has got her all fired up.

All this running is fueling some wishful thinking of long gone days of triathlons. Everytime I run, I think about Sept 15th, and Devil's challenge. Short swim, short bike, short run. We'll see. It's been 2 years at least since I had to do all 3 in a row. I'd like to get my friend Julie to race too, she a beginning triathlete. She worries/makes excuses too much. "I heard you can get swimmer's itch in that lake, and I heard the bike course really challenging...I'm worried about my fitness." I find myself giving her the same advice I neglected to heed myself earlier this season - just race. Just go race.

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